Fridaus Yussuf - Ramadan Delights: South Asian Recipes for the Holy Month

Ramadan Delights: South Asian Recipes for the Holy Month

Revitalize your Iftar and Suhoor tables with traditional South Asian dishes, perfect for Ramadan.

Een boek van Fridaus Yussuf

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Discover the culinary delights of Ramadan with this inspiring cookbook that offers a wealth of recipes for suhoor and iftar. From nutritious breakfast ideas that will energize you for the day, to delicious, hearty dishes that will turn breaking the fast into a true feast, this book is a must-have for anyone who wants to celebrate the holy month with taste and tradition. In addition to recipes, the book includes practical tips on food storage, meal prep strategies and time management techniques specifically tailored to Ramadan to optimize your kitchen routines and give you more time for ibadah and family.

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