Cheese Champions
The crème de la crème of raw milk cheese
Een boek van Frédéric Van Tricht, Giedo De Snijder en Frédéric van Van Tricht
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Cheese affineur Frédéric Van Tricht and cheese maker Giedo De Snijder embarked on a journey together to discover the best raw milk cheeses. The result is a selection of the world's finest sustainable products, made by hand with traditional methods and with the utmost respect for the craft, the materials and the animals. Because that is how quality raw milk cheeses achieve their full flavor, depth and complexity.
This book is about the people, the stories, and the setting behind more than 15 international raw milk cheeses. With love for the métier and the product.
- Kaas maken is een kunst, kaas proeven een genot.
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