Dokkoon Kapueak - The Thai kitchen of Boo Raan

The Thai kitchen of Boo Raan

Sharing recipes from Dokkoon Kapueak

Een boek van Dokkoon Kapueak

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In this book, Dokkoon explains everything you need to succeed: from the correct cooking techniques to recognizing good-quality ingredients. She provides more than 60 traditional recipes she learned during her childhood in Thailand and serves now in her restaurant Boo Raan. Dishes include phad thai, spicy krapaw (chicken stir-fry), aromatic tom yam khung (shrimp soup), and even an authentic Thai barbecue.

In 2018, Boo Raan was awarded Asian Restaurant of the Year by Gault & Millau and earned her first Michelin star in 2021.

  • Thai cooking isn’t that hard and everyone can learn it, that is the credo of chef Dokkoon Kapueak.

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