Isabel Gilbert Palmer - Formidable florists

Formidable florists

a portrait of 27 trendsetting flower artists

Een boek van Isabel Gilbert Palmer

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De 27 meest toonaangevende bloemisten ter wereld The great masters of floral art tell their stories in word and image. These artists, skilfully selected by Isabel Gilbert Palmer, create poetry with flowers. With minimum materials provided by nature, they generate amazement, fascination, and desire. This book offers a look into the birth of their lush creations, their inspiration sources, and the most incredible flower arrangements through which they create a new, unique world. A world where craftsmanship and beauty walk hand in hand. With: Makato Azuma, Japan Rudy Casati, Italy Shane Connolly, United Kingdom Zita Elze, United Kingdom Araik Galstyan, Russia Leopoldo Gomez, Mexico Bill J Harper, United States Bart Hassam, Australia Peter Hess, Switzerland Sakul Intakul, Thailand Sergey Karpunin, Russia Keita Kawasaki, Japan Pirjo Koppi, Finland Talmage McLaurin, United States Keiko Okada, Japan Emie Oliverio, France Jinny Park, South Korea Geert Pattyn, Belgium Tanus Saab, Brazil Florian Seyd & Ueli Signer, Netherlands Katherine Van Dierendonck, Belgium Jan Van Doesburg, Netherlands Annette Von Eimen, Denmark Moniek Vandenberghe, Belgium Joan Xapelli, Spain Julia Youngju Kim, South Korea Eddie Zaratsian, United States

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