Jean-Pierre Wybauw - Fine Chocolates 3

Fine Chocolates 3

Extending shelf life

Een boek van Jean-Pierre Wybauw

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The chocolate industry keeps on progressing. Science makes it possible to come up with new product options. Techniques also constantly evolve and improve. New raw materials are used, which have proven their usefulness and are at times indispensable, such as sugars, fats, fat substitutes, etc. The shelf life of pralines is also becoming increasingly critical. This beautifully illustrated and designed book by Jean-Pierre Wybauw deals with the most frequently used raw materials in an understandable language and explains how they impact the quality and shelf life of pralines. The many new recipes represent a delight for the eyes and taste buds. The third in the series Perfect Pralines, this book is another must for the kitchens of professional chocolatiers, experienced amateur cooks and chocolate lovers.

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