BBQ, a party

Een boek van Peter De Clercq en Peter de Clercq

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Barbecuing remains a hot topic, in every sense of the word. This book shows how easy it is to prepare more exquisite and refined dishes on your barbecue. Crisp white plates and delicious fresh products turn any barbecue into an unforgettable experience, be it a summery cocktail do, a kids’ party, a formal family gathering or a reunion of old classmates. BBQ, a party, offers practical information about barbecues and barbecuing techniques and tells you about tasty beef varieties and the importance of well aged meat. It also contains great tips on safety and accessories. The book is divided into clear sections - snacks, fish, meat, vegetarian and desserts, making it easy to put together your favorite menu. It also provides you with a seasonal overview of BBQ-friendly vegetables, herbs and fruits you can grow at home. In short, BBQ, a party, contains all the ingredients for hours and hours of grilling fun!

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